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Consecrate (Leaders’ Commencement and Dedication Service 2024)

As we started the year, Pastor Yang addressed the leaders gathered at the annual Leaders’ Commencement and Dedication Service, and directed everyone’s attention to the vision God has given to Cornerstone for 2024. 

Referencing Psalms 24, Pastor Yang challenged the leaders to come up higher this year – to ask the Lord for clean hands and pure hearts, that we might ascend the hill of the Lord, and to invite the King of Glory to dwell in our midst. Making mention of verse 10, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in,” everyone sensed a tangible stirring, to enter 2024 with a fresh hunger for the Lord to move in glory and power.  

He encouraged our leaders to be in the habit of taking Holy Communion, for in doing so, we are reenacting the New Covenant and abiding in Him (John 6:56). There is something powerful that takes place when we honour the blood and the finished work of calvary, and this will carry us through any shakings we may go through. 


Contend for a manifestation of His power 

The first of five points shared to prepare our congregations for 2024 was to contend for His power to be manifested in our lives and at our gatherings. “The kingdom of God is not in talk but in power,” he said, adding that beyond good preaching and intellectual stimulation, the church should be walking in miracles, signs, and wonders – casting out demons, speaking new tongues, and bringing healing to the sick (Mark 16:17-18). Scripture says, “you shall receive power (dunamis)” and that will make us effective witnesses wherever we are” (Acts 1:8). This will enable us to minister and mobilise people to step into God’s purpose for their lives. 


Go deep and far 

Aligned with his first sermon for 2024 on the River of God, Pastor Yang continued to exhort us to go deeper and further in the Lord, moving on from the shallows. This might look like a deeper devotional life, going deep in prayer, the Word, and relationships.  

Like in Ezekiel’s vision of the river flowing from the temple, he challenged us to let faith arise in our hearts to see the water levels rise (Ezekiel 47:4-6). 


Examine our life 

Thirdly, constant introspection and examination of our lives is needed to keep us right with the Lord so that we can finish well. Paul beseeched the Corinthian church to judge themselves so they would not be judged (1 Corinthians 11:31). In like manner, our Senior Pastor wants us to take care that we walk in a manner worthy of the call we have received. 


Aspire towards the 100-fold increase 

As in Genesis 26 when we see Isaac receive a 100-fold blessing after he sowed in the land, the Holy Spirit laid it upon our Senior Pastor’s heart to believe and pray for an increase that the Lord wants to bring to the church. He encouraged everyone to aspire towards a 100-fold increase in all that God has put in their lives, bearing “much fruit” (John 15) because that is His best for all His children. 


Fellowship with the Holy Spirit 

Finally, Pastor Yang shared a prophetic word previously given to Cornerstone – that the Lord wants to raise a remnant of friends of the Holy Spirit, and that He would do more than we can ask or imagine if He can find such a company of people. The Father of the House rallied everyone to be expectant about the new year, and to pray to see His Word come to pass in and through us personally and corporately! 

We praise the Lord for a fruitful gathering of Cornerstone leaders on the first Saturday of 2024 (6 January). Apart from celebrating what God did in 2023 across our different congregations and ministries, a total of 104 new leaders and staff were commissioned for service in the Kingdom. Let’s believe Him for greater things! 


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