ACES School is our yearly evangelistic school where the youths come together to be awakened, commissioned, equipped, and sent. Last year is our fourth year running the training school and the theme we had was Ekballo. We sensed the Lord calling us to take a more intentional and proactive stance towards reaching the lost! When we pray for the sick, we will see them healed. When we preach the gospel, lives will be transformed!
During the ACES school which was held on 15 to 17 June 2023, we saw many laying down their lives as an offering to the Lord, making themselves available to be used to reach the lost! The youths were given practical handles on how they could pray for the sick, start God-ward conversations, and preach the Gospel to lead people to Christ. Out of ACES School, we saw the formation of outreach groups in schools that prayed together and reached out to the lost in their schools. These school outreaches are run by the secondary school students themselves! Indeed, God is raising the next generation to bring many lost souls to Christ! The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.(Matthew 9:37-38) What a joy to see the young people step forward to reach their generation!
Some Geners share their testimonies on evangelism:
From the start of the year, the one thing that has been on my mind is to step out of my comfort zone for the Lord. And in reaching out to my friends, I want to have so much confidence without the need to focus on the outcome. I just want to step out to do the things that put a smile on His face. I had a vision of bubbles once, and these bubbles were like the hearts of those spiritually blind in our schools and around us. I saw them just popping, and I believe God is going to do so many mighty things through this generation.
On the morning of one of our Harvest (evangelistic) events, the Holy Spirit woke me up at 6am and placed a deep stirring in my heart. All I could do at that moment was to pray, worship, and contend for all the pre-believing friends who were coming for the event. My outreach members wanted to invite some of their friends even though we were unsure if they would come. But as I was praying, the words, “This is the start” dropped in my spirit and this encouraged me to believe that we would see a move of God in our school. Half an hour before the service started, my friend Danielle texted me and said four football guys had agreed to come. She even received the same word – this is the start!
God has been placing such a burden in my heart for my pre-believing classmates. He has given me His heart to go and reach out to them. I feel like they are just like lost sheep wandering around without a shepherd and it is our role as Christians to be the ambassadors of Christ – to be the bridge between them and God and to bring them to Christ. I began to pray for them by name every day during my devotion and I started to invite my classmates to church. Some of them would come, but others had parents who would not allow them to, or they were simply not interested. But God put this conviction in my heart, that if I can’t bring them to church, I am going to bring the church to them. I started preaching the gospel to them with boldness and with faith, and I want to live a life that honours God so they will see Him through me.