Our CGN churches are reaching out to their communities as many nations have come under lockdown during this Global Crisis. In these times of uncertainty, it is time for the Body of Christ to shine.

Despite social distancing measures put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we can fulfil the Great Commission by praying, giving and going forth creatively! Our Cornerstone Global Network churches around the world heard of the Cornerstone Cares initiatives in Singapore last year and initiated their version of Cornerstone Cares through the distribution of care packs to their communities and churches.
Reaching the Needy
The Covid-19 lockdowns have been especially difficult for the poor because many of them have no work, no savings, no money and no way to get food.
Over the past year, our churches in Myanmar shared the love of Christ by providing food, financial assistance and medical assistance through an online clinic. Among those they reached, there were 359 pastors and ministers from different churches, 52 orphanages, 18 houses for the visually impaired and 200 poor homes.

Apart from blessing the needy with monthly groceries, face masks and sanitisers, our churches in India started a weekly food distribution to reach out to those who have lost jobs or who are struggling to make ends meet during this time.
In the Philippines, Cornerstone Marikina, was a blessing to some 1000 families, 750 pastors and families, as well as 20 cities and provinces last year. Food packs and daily supplies were distributed to those in need, and the church became a lighthouse amid the pandemic.
Caring for Foreigners
As a result of border closures in many countries, people were unable to visit their families who lived in their home countries. Foreign workers whose families depended on them financially were therefore badly affected by the crisis.
Young adults from Cornerstone Miri stepped up during this time and pooled their resources to send food supplies to struggling families and individuals in Miri. Many of them were foreign workers who had difficulty providing for their families amid Malaysia’s Motion Control Order.
Their sister church, Cornerstone Kuching fed families in the communities of Sarawak. These were mostly Indonesians who are unaccounted foreign workers working.
Over on the other side of the globe, our CGN church in Long Island, La Masion was finding ways to feed the immigrant communities.

Witnessing Miracles
Through the global crisis, our network church in Bacolod, Miracle Central Church witnessed God do the miraculous as they sought to provide for the slum communities. Some 2000 bundles of grocery and relief were given to the needy in their city and they saw 200 healings while praying for the sick in the slums!
More than 300 people gave their lives to Jesus last year through the ministry and they experienced God’s miraculous provision, time and time again.
Pastor Elaine, who leads the church, recalled an instance when they had a surplus of bread after preparing the food packs, even though they had not bought extras. “We tried to give these away on our way home to the front-liners, street dwellers and garbage collectors who received Jesus, but the food just kept multiplying,” she shared. “There were still four loaves when we got home”
On another occasion, the team found 50 bags of rice out of nowhere, and no one could explain what happened. God, our provider, is truly our limitless source!

In yet another nation (concealed for confidential reasons), our Cornerstone churches saw the multiplication of food parcels. As they reached out to families in the community, they were amazed when God supernaturally supplied more. The recipients were extremely grateful and blessed by their gesture, and as a result, more have become aware of the church.
God has used our CGN churches to answer the prayers of many who called out to Him for help through 2020, and there are now more opportunities for the good news to be preached!
As in the days of Acts, believers presented the gospel in Word, works and wonders. We are so excited that the same is happening in our churches across the nations. God is doing a new thing and may we walk in step with Him!