The Generations Youth Camp has always been a highly anticipated event where the Holy Spirit never fails to move powerfully. Through much prayerful discussion, the name of this year’s camp was decided to be Camp Allez, adopted from the French word, “Allez”, meaning “let’s go” or “press on”. In fencing terms, “Allez” is used by the referee to start a bout. The theme of perseverance corresponded with the camp verse (Philippians 3:12-14), where Paul calls the Church to “press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.
As the yearly youth camp had taken a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, it was not surprising that the youths’ spirits were especially high when the camp resumed this year. Upon the commencement of the event, excitement filled the atmosphere with the youths, grouped by tribes, cheering loudly and waving their flags enthusiastically as they headed off for an islandwide activity – “Amazing Race” to earn points for their respective teams.
There were three parts to the programme where campers would go from “engarde” (on guard), to “prete” (ready), and finally “allez”. This was designed to teach the youths the importance of unity in the Body of Christ and the need to press in toward the upward call as an ongoing process of being perfected by Him. We carried this out through inter-team activities and a mass game where campers pitted against the camp committee.

Camp Allez ended on a high note with the Gala Night featuring performances – a display of teamwork that each tribe developed during the camp. Throughout the three days, it was heartening to see the campers laughing and
cheering together while also uniting to overcome challenges as individuals in their assigned tribe and as a ministry.
“The planning committee saw how everything fell into place eventually – the encounters that happened during the sessions, the friendships that were forged, and even how God held the weather till the last day of camp. These were reminders that God was indeed with us through it all,” Jared Tan from the Camp Committee (Programmes) testified.
Beyond the fun and games, the youths also experienced God moving powerfully during the camp sessions. Guest speakers Pastor Jason Chua, Pastor Mavis Wong, and Isaac Ong, spoke on building a house of prayer and having full obedience to God. Many youths were seen encountering God and receiving words of prophecy as they realigned themselves to the Lord in the secret place. Others received healing and were filled with the love of God. One of the youths, Deborah recounted her encounter with the Father, “He revealed His nature of love and fire, and it touched my heart to see how much love He has for us.”
Indeed, identities were restored, and hearts were set on fire for God as the youths responded to the call to lay down their lives for Him. Many were seen stepping out in boldness to pray for their friends and youth leaders during one of the night sessions when Pastor Mavis prompted the youths to pray for one another at the altar call. “After I prayed for my friend, I knelt and heard God tell me ‘Thank you for taking that leap of faith to pray for her even though you feared that you couldn’t pray well,’” shared Faith Chong, one of our campers.
As a youth leader, I was extremely encouraged to see the youths freely encountering Jesus, praising Him, and breaking out of their comfort zones. They were so hungry for Him that the sessions were often extended to give more time for lingering in His presence. While youths were seen crying out for a new fire, youth leaders were
also seen rededicating their lives and ministries unto God as they cried out for a return to their First Love.
I truly believe that this youth camp was not just a spark that brought individuals into a personal
communion with Jesus but one that took the ministry to greater depths in the Lord. I am truly honoured to have been a part of His work in Camp Allez. All glory to God!