By Pastor Daphne Yang

This melody came streaming into my heart and upon my lips. A chorus I learnt as a young girl:
He’s able, He’s able, I know He’s able,
I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
He healed the broken-hearted and set the captive free,
He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see.
He’s able, He’s able, I know He’s able,
I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
Is the Holy Spirit directing me to some unanswered questions you may have in 2025?
As a child, you are characterised by approaching God with simplicity, trust and openness. A childlike faith that embodies humility, dependence and a sense of wonder without its overcomplication. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
(Matthew 13:3)
Biblical examples of childlike faith can be witnessed in Abraham’s trust when God called him to leave his home
and go to an unknown land. Abraham obeyed and trusted in God’s promises in Genesis 12:1-4.
What about David’s confidence as a young shepherd when he faced Goliath with unwavering faith that God would deliver him in 1 Samuel 17.
I sense 2025 to be a year of unusual challenges and the key for a turnaround is to trust God. A time to take stock, to rediscover the wonders of God. Recognising God’s extraordinary works, miracles and attributes which inspire awe, reverence and gratitude.
Throughout the Bible and especially in the book of Psalms, we see how the wonders of the Lord demonstrated His complete control over events, people, and powers to show His presence among His people.
In Habakkuk 1:5 God responds to the prophet and says, “Look among the nations and watch—be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you”.
There’s going to be global shifts to watch for that go beyond our immediate circumstances; God’s plan is unfolding on a global scale beyond what we may see or understand.
What God is about to reveal will be shocking and unexpected, defying human understanding and will challenge our expectations. God’s plan is in motion, and you will witness God’s sovereignty when you look back in history. Whether it be injustice or difficulty faced, and God appears like He is not acting yet He is always working in ways we cannot see.
He will come to you in ways you do not anticipate but remain open to His leading and align yourselves to His purposes. Even as you struggle with doubt or confusion because you do not understand His mysterious ways continue to trust. God is at work.
As you ride into 2025, although His plans are unsettling, they are purposeful and just. Remain open to God’s unexpected ways and find hope in the assurance that God is actively involved in both the affairs of the world as well as your life.
God’s wonders reveal His kingdom, and He will authenticate His presence just as God Himself entered human history in the Person of the Son, made incarnate. That was a critical point in the history of salvation, accompanied by wondrous miracles.
Jesus confirmed the presence of God and the nearness of His kingdom. God is going to demonstrate His limitless power, His inescapable presence, His divine protection, His sovereign purposes.
When you lift your eyes, know well to see where your help comes from. God is both near and powerful and He is going to draw you and many to Himself.
He who overcame the power of sin and death and redeemed His people for all eternity – He’s
able, He’s able, I know He’s able, I know my Lord is able to carry you through the year.
Pastor Daphne Yang
Editor, Herald
Deputy Senior Pastor,
Cornerstone Community Church