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He Answers Us When We Call!

By Charmaine Tan

My 91-year-old grandmother was admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital on 31 May after experiencing diarrhoea, blood in her stools, and symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). She lost so much blood that she had to go for a blood transfusion on two separate occasions. Although the doctor suggested for a scope to be done so that he could check for the presence of any small cancer tumours, she decided against it because it is considered a highly invasive and risky procedure at her age which could potentially puncture her organs. Moreover, even if they did find cancer cells in her body, she would be too weak to endure the harsh chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. 

On 5 June, my grandmother had another episode of massive internal bleeding, and the doctor needed the urgent approval of her family for an emergency scope to be done as soon as possible. Before the scope, the gastrologist and nurses had to perform a physical check on her at her ward and she felt a lot of pain during the procedure. In her distress, she cried out to God in her heart asking, “Where are You, Jesus?”. 

Suddenly, she had a vision of a man in white, drawing the curtain and coming up to the doctor and nurses to ask them to stop the check because she was going to be alright. After that, the man walked away. When she described the vision to others, some people had doubts and suggested that she could have seen one of the doctors wearing white telling them to stop the process. However, we quickly realised that the doctors who treated her at Tan Tock Seng Hospital were all wearing blue. 

My grandmother was very encouraged by the vision. The amazing outcome was that her condition stabilised and bleeding stopped. She started praising God, singing a Cantonese gospel song in her ward and sharing the vision with everyone who came to visit her. She told them excitedly that Jesus saved and preserved her life and that she would have died if not for Him. She even shared about God’s goodness with the Malay elderly lady who occupied the bed next to hers. 

Two days later, she had a spiritual attack. This time, it was a vision of dark clouds and black figures at her bedside. She said that one of them attacked her and even tried to strangle her and she had to wrestle with it. Soon after, she saw several men in white whom she perceived to be angels and when they came, the black figures left immediately. 

After she had that vision, my grandmother’s condition began to stabilise. The CT scan showed that there were no large tumours or blood in her stools anymore! Her blood pressure also normalised, and she no longer experienced diarrhoea. She could include solid food in her diet and did not need to go for a scope check as her condition became better. My grandmother’s appetite improved tremendously over time, and she could finally resume her favourite pastimes – colouring and sudoku. On 12 June, she was finally discharged! 

We really want to give God all the glory and praise! I hope that everyone who reads this testimony will find hope in darkness and know that when we cry out to Jesus, He is faithful to hear and will come to our rescue. 

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