“Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations, You are worthy, Lord of all” – the families of Cornerstone declared this in song from their living rooms as they tuned in for the Inter-Generations Day of Blessings. There was an evident sense of God’s presence as we saw families and cells gathering to declare and decree the blessings of God over one another.

Our God is a God of the generations, and He moves in generations. Psalm 78:6 says “we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done.” May it be so, here in Cornerstone as the generations unite to seek the Lord as one!
On the set of the livestream, we had representatives from different age groups – children, youths, and parents. They took turns to lead in prayer for each segment before breaking into small prayer groups. There were a total of 1728 participants who tuned in that Friday evening, 20 August.
Our God is a God of the generations, and He moves in generations.
The night’s event began with an invitation to speak blessings over the children. Grace Ang, one of the youths, shared a vision she had of a child walking with Jesus in a meadow. This child was filled with joy, and she declared, “there will be a hunger and thirst among the children to seek after the Lord, just like King David did.”
Next, the children were called upon to bless their parents, that they would be fruitful vines. Elijah Sing prayed that there would be a removal of bitterness, anger and the speaking of harsh words within families, instead there would be a release of healing and forgiveness.
Parents were asked to pray for the youths, who represent the future leaders of our nation. One of the fathers, Calvin Ang declared that the next generation would carry revival in their hearts, and that there would be love and honour for the presence of God.
On-line together, we stood in agreement and rebuked fear, anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies. We declared that our youths would not be subject to the enemy’s torment but come to understand their identity in Christ.
We declared that our youths would not be subject to the enemy’s torment but come to understand their identity in Christ.
Pastor Yang, Pastor Lip, and Pastor Tim Chong focused on our nation, Singapore, with prayers and blessings that she would fulfill her destiny as the Antioch of Asia. They prayed that revival would sweep across this land, into every stratum of society and into spheres of influence.
Pastor Daphne concluded the night with a prayer that we would continue to decree and stand on God’s Word, for His mercy and truth endures forever.
Let’s believe for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God upon our nation once again!