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The Great Haul - Feast of Tabernacles

As we approach the return of Jesus, Scripture clearly tells us that we can expect to see the greatest harvest of souls ever seen in the history of mankind!

Themed “The Great Haul”, this year’s Feast of Tabernacles service pointed us towards the hope of a glorious end-time revival.

Joining us on Zoom all the way from Jerusalem, Pastor Rick Ridings brought us prophetic insights into current events and revealed some of the visions the Lord had given to him concerning the days ahead.

Pastor Rick and his wife Patricia lead Succat Hallel, a 24/7 house of prayer and worship that overlooks Mount Zion and the Old City of Jerusalem.

Temporary Shaken, Kingdom of God Released

With the nations still struggling with the global pandemic, Pastor Rick believes that this shaking is just one of many that will unfold like “birth pains” leading to the return of our Lord.

Over the last two years, we witnessed an increase in social unrest and violence across the world (e.g: Hong Kong, Middle East, Myanmar, America). The emergence of the Covid-19 virus in China also quickly spread internationally, sending whole nations into turmoil.

As mentioned in Hebrews 12:26-27, it has been foretold that God will once again shake the heavens and the earth, removing what is temporal so that the eternal may remain.

We need to keep in perspective the fact that all chaos unleashed during shakings is in the end only temporary, but His kingdom is eternal.

Sharing a vision that he had received in 2016, Pastor Rick recounted seeing the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in a threshing basket. The Lord took the basket and tossed it in the air, and just as He did, the wind blew away the chaff.

“This is a picture of the sifting process,” said Pastor Rick, adding that these shakings would pave the way for water to be brought to the driest of places.

One such place is the Middle East, and even though there is much darkness, the region is already experiencing a fresh move of God.

“We need to keep in perspective the fact that all the chaos unleashed during shakings is in the end only temporary, but His kingdom is eternal,” he added. The Lord is in control of each shaking, even when we may not feel that He is.

Accelerated Polarisation Between Light and Darkness

What will also come out of the shakings is an acceleration of the polarisation between light and darkness. In yet another vision given by the Lord, Pastor Rick saw the Lord holding a bar of light. While one end was very bright and the other very dark, most parts of the bar were grey, representing the mixture and compromise across society. Then the Lord took His hands and pushed the middle portion apart and the grey was no more. The contrast was now stark and the dividing line between good and evil was clear. This exposure of darkness has been seen throughout the world in recent years.

We are entering a season of the maturing of the wheat and tares – a time where God is bringing the church to maturity, and where darkness is also maturing.

Giving Thanks, Watching Over The Harvest

Pastor Rick believes that the harvest would come in waves and gradually build up, rather than all at once. Describing another vision, He shared that as the threshing basket was shaken, there would also come times of settling.

God is not only calling intercessors to pray for the harvest — for more fish, more bread, miracles, healings — but to also watch, so that the enemy will not be able to steal it in any way, that the full harvest will come in.

Likened to birth pangs that a woman experiences during labour, the shakings would give birth to something, and the pauses between pain would be moments when the nations would give thanks.

As the church witnesses some healings, miracles, and salvations, they would bring their basket of loaves and fishes before the Lord, thanking Him. He would then give them a bigger basket, a greater measure of outpouring for the next wave of shaking. This would culminate in the greatest haul of all time.

“Thanksgiving was key in this vision” said Pastor Rick, who also emphasised the great need to watch in prayer over the harvest that will be brought in. “God is not only calling intercessors to pray for the harvest — for more fish, more bread, miracles, healings — but to also watch, so that the enemy will not be able to steal it in any way, that the full harvest will come in.”

He added that when we see large numbers of youth coming to the Lord, we need to get them grounded so that they can grow to be spiritually strong.

Word for Singapore and Cornerstone

In closing, Pastor Rick released a word to the church in Singapore, which he believes is now receiving an anointing to help birth the purposes of God — revival and a great harvest carried all the way from the far east nations to Jerusalem.

Referring to a vision of horses, camels and elephants that moved across the world map towards the Middle East, he spoke about these animals being symbolic of Chinese, Koreans, Indonesians, and the elephant nations, each bringing something uniquely key to revival.

God is shifting us into something higher – to third heaven intercession. From the heavenly places, He will show us what the news cannot tell us.

While the Koreans carried an anointing for breakthrough prayer, the Chinese carried sacrificial worship, financial giving, and perseverance. The Indonesians, who came after, carried an anointing to demolish strongholds. Groups in the region would pass through the Strait of Malacca on their journey, and Singapore would have a role in interceding and sending forth of these labourers, especially businessmen.

Finally, Pastor Rick shared that because Cornerstone Community Church had sown into re-digging the wells of prayer and intercession at the Bible College of Wales, this house would reap a higher level of revelation and anointing to shift nations on her knees.

“God is shifting us into something higher – to third heaven intercession,” Pastor Rick concluded. From the heavenly places, He will show us what the news cannot tell us.

A total of 161 people joined us on-site, and more than 730 tuned in to the livestream of the service on YouTube and Facebook on 24th September 2021. Together with Pastor Daphne, the current cohort of students from the Bible College of Wales also greeted us with warm smiles over Zoom.

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