Vision Sunday took off with a blast as Cornerstone Community Church gathered together to hear about the corporate vision for 2020. In Pastor Yang’s message, he exhorted us to believe, have faith in God and to receive His vision for 2020. As our Senior Pastor came onto the stage to speak, the word Envision was put up on the screen as He went on to challenge us to make four commitments in the new year.
The first challenge he made was for us to develop consistency in our devotional life. He iterated that if our output is greater than our input, we will burn out. In Pastor Yang’s words, waking up early is the hallmark of godly prayer because that is the time when spiritual manna falls from heaven.
His second point was to commit to reading the Word of God daily. According to a survey conducted by the Bible Society, reading the bible four times a week produced a fifty-nine percent decrease in pornography viewing and immoral behaviour, a fifty-two percent decrease in alcohol consumption and a general reduction in discouragement, fear and other problems.
What’s the key to being happy? Pastor Yang shared that being grateful was essential to having joy daily, touching on the third point of his message. He then delivered his final challenge by encouraging us to commit to making sacrifices for the Lord this year. To put this to action, we can decide to go on one mission trip a year.
In response to the message, everyone received Vision cards to list the commitments they wanted to make for the year. Filled cards that were left with the church will be mailed back to their owners in June, as a way of reminding us to keep track of our goals for 2020.

Cornerstonians were fired up to pursue more of God in 2020, and they shared their thoughts on what they wanted to see God do this year.
Zachary, 17, whose parents pastor the African Congregation, shared that he desires to see God move in a greater way in their ministry. He believes that there are no limitations on what God can do, as he had previously seen God grow the worship team even though they are a small congregation.
We also gleaned from Claire Nazar, who serves in Marriage preparation ministry alongside her husband, Boaz. She quoted Revelations 3:15-17 and shared that she wants to see greater intensity for God in her personal life and in the church.

“[I just want to keep pressing] in to have that white-hot love for God. I’ve learnt that one thing in common that all great men and women have for God besides waking up early in the morning is to have that intensity. They’re very intense, not just intentional.” She also wants to activate more of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in her life, be it through a Word of Knowledge or prophetic word, and to be able to use that to reach the unsaved. The Bible tells us that He who wins souls is wise, and let us be found to be doing the work of the evangelist this year!
Written by Deborah Mok