The three-day conference ran from 9th to 11th September. On-site or online, the presence of God came through thick and strong as women from 14 nations gathered to hear speakers Pastor Daphne Yang, Pastor Bonnie Chavda, Rev Suzette Hattingh, Mama Heidi Baker, and Pastor Libby Huirua.

With every WOW! Conference comes an encouragement to move on with God, whether to experience Him in greater depths of worship or richer heights of wisdom.
WOW Conference 2021 was another clarion call for women to keep progressing. This year’s theme was “Women of Witness” and what a wonderful reminder it was to keep shining for Jesus in the midst of troubled times.
Many women experienced a touch of God during the conference, like Ng Li Ling, who said, “The presence of God was really strong during the entire the meeting. The Holy Spirit touched me during prayer time, and the words of knowledge given spoke to my heart, and refreshed me.”
Others, like Khai Wen Lim, felt encouraged and affirmed to embrace gritty, tenacious faith in midst of trying circumstances, “Even in the storm I am currently in, I have been filled with inexplicable peace. I was really moved by Rev Suzette's message on learning to walk in The Eye of the Storm,” she said.
Sally Lorraine Nimfa R. Blitz, who dialled in from the Philippines sent the team a note, saying, “Despite all the many challenges and trials in life today because of the pandemic, this conference made me stronger, made me realise that I am blessed!”
Even in the storm I am currently in, I have been filled with inexplicable peace. I was really moved by Rev Suzette's message on learning to walk in The Eye of the Storm.
What does it mean to be women of witness?
Being a woman of witness is a two-fold thing. “We’re witnessing God as He acts. And then we bear that witness aloft for everyone to see and hear,” said Pastor Bonnie as she opened the first day’s Leaders’ Meeting.
Drawing from Scriptures from Isaiah 42 to 44, Pastor Bonnie encouraged all women to receive a fresh impartation of faith and to shake off fear (Isa 44:8).
Building upon that theme, Rev Suzette Hattingh highlighted the apostle Paul, who was referred to as a chosen vessel in Acts 9:15, because he was assigned. “A leader is a leader for all seasons, Covid or not… You are marked in the place that God has put you,” she said.

Pastor Daphne closed the first day’s session with the word that the Lord will fight for us. “We often get ahead of God. You need to let His word fight for you,” she said. Being witnesses of God is not just one off – “one punch and that’s it”. Just like David gleaned from a past experience with the lion and the bear for a present danger (Goliath), this is a journey and we must move from faith to faith.
A Melting Pot of Perspectives
The perspective of women from different parts of the world – Germany, Mozambique, New Zealand, Singapore and USA, added to the beautiful melting pot of the Word for the Season that God wanted to bring to us. It is such a privilege to be plugged into the voice of God ringing throughout the world, and not just in Singapore.
Mama Heidi Baker preached from Mozambique with a word burning in her heart for the body of Christ. We are in troubling, tense times and even the dates of the conference seem to bring out a prophetic dimension of the message.
“The world is shaking, it really is 911 all over the world,” she said. “But God’s absolutely able to take us through the shaking and all the trials happening right now.”
Through the truths of Ephesians 6:10- 12, with a ringing emphasis on what it means to be supernaturally infused with strength, Mama Heidi called to the women in the conference to continually put on the armour of God and be in union with Christ (John 15).
“Your war may look different from others but we are all in the war (Eph 6). I want to ask you to stop being afraid. What we need in this dark world is every single lover of God rising up. The Lord wants to call you to be in a place where you’re not afraid but in armour,” she said.
Come and proclaim and worship into any state of barrenness there might be, in your life
From Indonesia, Rev Suzette Hattingh encouraged the women with the truth that everyone of us has the potential to bring forth what God has birthed in the spirit. A spiritual ministry that must be born, like a Samuel.
“Come and proclaim and worship into any state of barrenness there might be, in your life, “ she said.
Suzette shared her story of laying down her plans for the will of God. She wanted to bless and give out bibles to the unreached people, but the Lord called her powerfully to a ministry of intercession.
“I was at the place of fighting, almost, with God,” she recounted. Then three weeks into that, she became a Hannah, crying out to God, yielding to God.
Arising In A Season of Fear
With the world reeling from a period of turmoil, Pastor Bonnie encouraged the women with the life of a biblical witness, Daniel. Daniel was chosen by God to be His witness in the pagan centre of Babylon, she said, as she preached from Daniel 10.
Ps Bonnie believes that the major stronghold that God is confronting in this season is fear. “We need to lay hold of only one fear – the Fear of the Lord,” she said. “God is putting forth His people who have the other side of the story. They are bringing hope and ultimately, the promise of restoration.”
In the night meetings, Mama Heidi underscored the prophetic call to go to be the witnesses of God in this critical hour of the Great Harvest being at hand.

She shared from John 4, where Jesus revealed Himself to the woman at the well. Just as Jesus’ food was to do the will of the Father, we too need spiritual food to sustain us for our journey as witnesses.
Pastor Bonnie reminded all the women, “Never underestimate the value of your presence and your influence in the spiritual and the natural as you are walking in the grace and the anointing of God.”
We will see great miracles as women of witness in the coming days, but to do so, it is so essential to grow in the discerning of spirits. “The anointing of discerning is newly pouring out,” she emphasised.
Going Forth As Witnesses
As the meetings drew to a close on a Saturday morning, the women left with great expectation and a fire burning in their hearts.
It was the first time that Paulene from the Philippines attended WOW! Conference, and it had been a wonderful time. She wrote, “The Word of God and their testimonies gives me fire and encourages me to be a witness, to rise, to bring forth lives, to walk with faith and pursue the calling of God in my life.”
Never underestimate the value of your presence and your influence in the spiritual and the natural as you are walking in the grace and anointing of God.
“I will share what I have experienced in this WOW! Conference to our Women's fellowship, and encourage them to speak and be witnesses of God.”
We look forward to the enduring fruit from the WOW! Conference!