From 14-17 August 2024, Cornerstone organised a prayer seminar to build up strong prayer warriors and watchmen for the hour we live in. We had the privilege of being immersed in anointed worship and teaching both in Cornerstone and at Changi Cove, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Our speakers Reverend Dr Suzette Hattingh, Dr Gayle Claxton, and Pastor Daphne Yang led us to dig deeper in
prayer and intercession through a series of training and practical sessions.
During the seminar, Rev Dr Suzette emphasised the importance of prayer as the Bride of Christ prepares for the End Times. Referencing current events in the Middle East, she called for spiritual preparedness and a sense of urgency to draw near to the Lord and to intercede for the fulfilment of God’s plans.
The prayer room is where we develop a deep relationship with God and receive the outflow of the Holy Spirit, and from this place, our anointing and authority to impact and minister to others flows. To build our prayer lives, Rev Dr Suzette outlined five keys: worship, humility, brokenness, praying the Word of God, and moving with authority by resisting the enemy in the name of Jesus. However, our prayers should focus not only on our personal concerns but also those of others, including governments and nations.
Using the principle of sowing and reaping, she shared that if we want to see blessings and revival, we should sow in prayer into someone else’s life or ministry. To do so would be to deposit into our heavenly bank account and reap rewards in due time. Ezekiel 22:30 tells us that God highly values intercessors, and they play an important role in shaping situations and world events that can usher in revival.
Sharing a story of a crusade in Indonesia that was preserved when the intercessors prayed against a predicted tsunami, she talked about the power of prayer that brings breakthroughs, miracles, and transformation. We need to understand God’s Word and seek Him for His “Rhema” word for a situation so that we can align our prayers with His will to come into agreement with Him. When our intercession converges with the intercession of heaven, there is a channel for the Holy Spirit’s creative power to move.
Dr Gayle, who regularly conducts prayer seminars with Rev Dr Suzette, spoke about the significance of brokenness in prayer, sharing her personal experiences of trauma and forgiveness. She emphasised that forgiveness is a choice and a command from God. It doesn’t just bring healing, but releases the Holy Spirit’s power through our prayers. She exhorted us to make both worship and prayer our disciplined practices because they are interconnected. Abraham’s worship in Genesis 22 was what led to his revelation, preparation, and proclamation.
In closing, Pastor Daphne Yang encouraged seminar participants to speak intergenerational blessings over one another. She shared a personal story of her mother’s miraculous passing, emphasising the virtue of faith and the generational blessings it brings. Sometimes what we don’t see fulfilled in our generation will be fulfilled
in the next. The generations need each other, and we are to honour one another, never holding the mindset that we have done it all. Many times, we can stand where we are only because of the prayers of the generations before.
She called us to commit ourselves to prayer and intercession, emphasising on the power of prayer which opens the way for us to witness miracles and fully transformed lives. We are to continue to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into His harvest; this need for the gospel to go forth to the ends of the earth
is non-negotiable.
What a fruitful time of equipping it was for the Body of Christ! May we become an upper room company of prayer warriors that will keep watch till the Lord returns.