Last year marked the seventh year of the WOW! Conference, and the Lord truly poured out His Spirit in a fresh way! It was our joy to welcome attendees from 107 churches and 22 nations, including our sisters-in-Christ from the Cornerstone Global Network, some of whom went to great lengths to travel to Singapore.

Leading the charge to see “Thy Kingdom Come” were our mothers of the faith – Reverend Celia Apeagyei-Collins, Pastor Bonnie Chavda, Mama Heidi Baker, and Pastor Daphne Yang.
Over three days, we gleaned from the revelation and wisdom of these women of God, who each brought a unique anointing that added strength to one another in a beautiful way.
Mama Heidi reminded us to draw near in worship, to behold the beauty of the Lord. In an increasingly dark world where things are shaken, we are invited to fix our eyes on Jesus instead of the enemy. He longs to give us fresh oil, so that we will know the joy of the Lord to be our strength even in trials. “Will we follow Jesus in the storm and do it with joy?” she asked, as she gave the example of the Apostle Paul, who found joy through suffering, and became more courageous when he was in chains.
Mama Heidi declared that the Lord wanted to break off fear from our lives, and that we would become fearless lovers of God, free from fear, anxiety, sickness, demonic oppression, mixture, and syncretism. As she ministered and sang to the Lord, the Holy Spirit moved in the auditorium touching and healing many who responded to the Lord.
On the same lines of coming up higher and looking to Jesus, Pastor Bonnie emphasised the reality of the spiritual realm. Yet, there is a greater tendency for us to focus on and be blindsided by what our natural eyes can see. She challenged us to desire a supernatural prayer time so that we can carry the weight of God’s glory which releases His reality wherever we go. “We need to have an ongoing open heaven experience in our lives,” she shared.
“God is calling us to spiritual Mount Zion, to open our eyes, hearts, and ears to see and understand what He is doing. The work of prayer is the call of kings and priests of God.” If we embrace the cross more and more as we walk with Christ, His glory will be made manifest to those who need Him - our families, neighbours, cities, and our nations.
The recurring message our conference speakers carried was the appeal to participate in the Kingdom: to give to others just as we have freely received. “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days” Pastor Daphne shared, quoting from Ecclesiastes 11:1.
Along this thought, she called out to one of the attendees of last year’s WOW! Conference, Joe, who came for the night meetings. Joe testified of his healing from Lupus, and he was stirred because of the word which was released in 2023; it ignited fresh faith in the atmosphere. That night, the Word to him was as fresh manna.
Casting your bread is to release to another what is of sustainable value to you. Pastor Daphne exhorted
us to be generous with the “bread” God gives us, for surely, we will discover that we were never short from
the start. Reverend Celia encouraged us to expect God to do audacious things when we avail ourselves to bless others because expectation is the breeding ground for miracles. Luke 12:32, “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
“Honour Him by the magnitude of what you ask,” she said, adding that God will do according to the measure of our faith. We must go out to tell people about what Jesus has done for us because the kingdom works by bearing witness.
In the closing session, Reverend Celia rallied the congregation to pursue unity within the Church, for it is how the world will recognise the reality of Christ (John 17:21-23). The enemy fears when we stand in unity. “Ropes don’t catch fishes, nets do. Unity is what makes Kingdom advance.” Everyone needs to bring something, and till we come together, nothing happens. The enemy fears our unity!
Last year’s WOW! Conference was a clarion call to arise as women of witness in this hour, to fix our eyes on Jesus in the storms and allow Him to fill us with His joy, that we may emerge victorious as fearless lovers of Christ.
As we “cast our bread upon the waters”, and step out in faith, we can expect Him to do exceedingly more than we can ask or imagine. For as in Proverbs 11:18, there is a sure reward for everyone who sows righteousness.
Let His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Let the whole earth be filled with His glory, as the waters cover the sea.